By engaging our partners through convenings, organizing, promoting, advocating, and leadership development will increase agency, belonging, and change, leading to more equitable systems across communities in California.
Why CA4Health?
CA4Health was formed in response to the recognition that California has wealth of experience and continued investment in efforts to address chronic disease prevention and health equity. Over the years, local health departments and community partners across California have been building capacity, expanding relationships, and implementing policy, systems, and environmental change approaches to address chronic diseases and health inequities. As a Community of Practice, CA4Health will provide opportunities to build capacity, bring stakeholders together, and explore ways to increase collaboration and maximizing impact of their efforts. The infrastructure for CA4Health builds off of previous networking and movement building initiatives (i.e., Community Transformation Grant, CA Convergence, and Partnership for a Healthy California) to provide the backbone support for stakeholders to connect, leverage, advocate, and learn together.

CA4Health's Guiding Principles for Health Equity and Justice. These principles express our commitment to equity and will inform how we assess what policies and/or actions CA4Health will support.

CA4Health Program Office
CA4Health is supported by a diverse team from the Public Health Institute (PHI) who are committed to keeping the community of practice moving forward in an engaging, innovative, and inclusive manner.
CA4Health is open to anyone in California who is interested in creating a “Team of Us” by building and sustaining a community with a commitment to shared responsibility, action, and leadership.